Setpoint Profiler
Video Recorder – User Manual 178
5.2 Components of a profile
Two PVs available
Each profile can monitor up to 2 process variables. The second PV is for monitoring a second variable
related to your process. The value of each PV is compared with the value of the profile. If the
difference between either PV and the profile value exceeds specified amounts, the profiler will Hold
(soak), if enabled to do so.
Number of segments
Up to 63 segments may be in a profile.
Time Units
All segments use the same time base (seconds, minutes, or hours).
4 types of ramp segments
There are four ramp types selectable at the RAMP TYPE prompt.
1. Value/Duration
2. Time
3. Rate
4. External
Value/Duration (Val/Dur)Ramp Type
This is the only ramp type that allows consecutive ramps or soaks. VALUE is the beginning value of the
segment; TIME is the time needed to reach the VALUE of the next segment.
Segment #1
Segment #2
Segment #3
Segment #4
Segments #1 & #2
Segment #3
Segments #4 & #5
Segment #5
Time = time to reach next segment Value
Ramp Type = Value/Duration
Time = duration of soak
Value = value of soak
Value = beginning value of current segment
Features of this ramp type
* Allows consecutive ramps or soaks
* First segment can be a ramp or soak
Ramp segments
Soak segments
Figure 5-3 Value/Duration Ramp Type