Honeywell VRX180 DVR User Manual

Programming Function Blocks and Features
Video Recorder – User Manual 149
4.17 Copy Block
Use Copy Block to copy the setup of any function block to another channel of the same function block.
For example, if you have programmed AI1 and want AI2 to have the same settings, use Copy Block. If
desired, you can make program changes to AI2 after the copy is complete.
If your instrument can run multiple profiles at the same time, Copy Block is useful for copying the
parameters of one profile to another. For example, if your instrument can run 2 profiles, it may be useful
to have both profiles use the same switches for starting, holding, and resetting. After you program the
first profile’s parameters, use Copy Block to copy Profile #1 to Profile #2.
Table 4-53 describes the Copy Block prompts.
Table 4-53 Copy Block Prompts
Prompt Range/Selections Definition
Select the function block type to be copied.
AI: Analog Input
AO: Analog Output
AL: Alarm
CN: Constant
CV: Calculated Value
DI: Discrete Input
DO: Discrete Output
LP: Control Loop
SP: Set point Profile
TL: Totalizer
FROM NUMBER NUMBER Enter the channel number to be copied.
TO NUMBER NUMBER Enter a channel to copy to or "ALL" if you want to copy this block
to all other channels.
COPY BLOCK Select this to do the copy. A verification prompt lets you continue
or abort the copy.