3745 and Service Processor Maintenance
010 (continued)
The Service Processor Menu window is displayed.
Click on the Problem management option.
Double-click on the Display Alarms option.
The Display Alarms window is displayed.
Record the SRC number of the alarm which has the CPN corresponding to your call.
Return to the Problem management window.
Double-click on the Manage Alarms/Errors/Events (SRCs).
Select Alarms then click on OK.
Double-click on the alarm which has the SRC number previously recorded.
A FRU or a list of FRUs with the FRU location is displayed.
Record this FRU list with each card fault probability.
Go to "Service Processor Problem Determination" in the corresponding
Service Processor Installation
and Maintenance
1-56 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP