
CSRH cycle steal request high
CSRL cycle steal request low
CSS control subsystem
CTS clear to send (signal)
dc direct current
DCAF Distributed Console Access Facility
DCE data circuit-terminating equipment
DCDP dc distribution and protection box
DCPW dc power box
DCREG FRU name of the dc regulator card
DE device end (channel status)
DFA FRU name of the disk file adapter card
DIF disk function
DMA direct memory access
DMUX FRU name of the double multiplex card
DRS data rate select
DSI data store interface
DTE data terminal equipment
DTR data terminal ready (signal)
EAC Ethernet adapter card
EC engineering change
EIA Electronic Industries Association
ELA Ethernet line adapter
ENQ enquiry (BSC)
EPO emergency power-OFF
ERC error reference code
ESCA ESCON channel adapter. An ESCA con-
sists of an ESCON channel processor
(ESCP) and an ESCON channel coupler
ESCC ESCON channel coupler. A communi-
cation controller hardware unit which is
the interface between the ESCON
channel processor and the ESCON fiber
optic cable
ESCC2 ESCON channel coupler type 2
ESCON channel A channel having an Enterprise
System Connection* channel-control-unit
interface that uses optical cables as a
transmission medium
ESCP ESCON channel processor. A communi-
cation controller hardware unit which pro-
vides the channel data link control for the
ESCON channel adapter
ESS Ethernet sub-system
ETG Ethernet tail gate
FAN1 FRU name of the power supply box fan
FAN2 FRU name of the logic box fan
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FDD FRU name of the flexible disk drive
FE field engineering
FESH FRU name of the front-end scanner
FRU field-replaceable unit
ft foot
GPT generalized PIU trace
GTF generalized trace facility
HCS Hardware Central Service
HDD FRU name of the hard disk drive
HDR header
hex hexadecimal
HLIR high-level interrupt request
HPP bus high-performance parallel bus
HPTSS high-performance transmission sub-
HSB high-speed buffer (cache)
HSS high-speed scanner
HW hardware
Hz Hertz
IBE internal box error
ID identifier
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
IFT internal function test
IML initial microcode load
in. inch
INN intermediate network node
IOC input/output control
IO input/output
IOH input/output halfword (instruction)
IOHI input/output halfword immediate (instruc-
IPL initial program load
IR interrupt request
IRR interrupt request removed
ISO International Organization of Standardi-
X-2 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP