
KB kilobyte (1024 bytes)
kbps kilobits per second
kg kilogram
kHz kilohertz
LA 1) load address (instruction)
2) line adapter
LCBB line connection box base
LCBE line connection box expansion
LCEB line connection enclosure base
LCEE line connection enclosure expansion
LCPB line connection power base
LCPE line connection power expansion
LED light-emitting diode
LIB line interface coupler board
LIB1 LIC board type 1 for LICs 1, 3, and 4
(models A and B)
LIB2 LIC board type 2 for LICs 5 and 6
(models A and B)
LIB3 LIC board type 3 for LICs 1, 2, and 3
(model C)
LIB4 LIC board type 4 for LICs 5 and 6 (model
LIC line interface coupler card
LICx FRU name of line interface coupler card
type x
LID line interface display
LLIR low-level interrupt request
LPDA Link Problem Determination Aid
LS local storage
LSAR local storage address register
LSR local storage register (CSP)
LSS low-speed scanner
LSSD level-sensitive scan design
m meter
mA milliampere
MAC MOSS adapter card for 3745 model 17A
MB megabyte; 1 048 576 bytes
MCC FRU name of the MOSS control card
MCF microcode fix
MCT machine configuration table
MDOR MOSS data operand register
MES miscellaneous equipment specification
MHz megahertz
min minute
MIO MOSS input/output
MIOC MOSS I/O control bus
MIP Maintenance Information Procedures
MLA MOSS LAN adapter
mm millimeter
MMIO memory mapped input/output
MOSS maintenance and operator subsystem
MOSS-E maintenance and operator subsystem
MPC FRU name of the MOSS processor card
MSA machine status area
MSAU multistation access unit
MSC FRU name of the MOSS storage card
MUX multiplex function
mV millivolt
NAK negative acknowledgment character
NCCF Network Communications Control Facility
NCP Network Control Program
NCTE network communication terminal equip-
NLDM Network Logical Data Manager
NMVT network management vector transport
NPDA Network Problem Determination Applica-
NPSI network packet switching interface
oc overcurrent
OLT online test
ov overvoltage
PANEL FRU name of the control panel
PC personal computer
PCC FRU name of the power control card
PCF primary control field (storage)
PKD portable keyboard display
PIO program-initiated operation
PNLC FRU name of the panel card
POR power-ON reset
PRC processor
PROM FRU name of the programmable read-
only memory module
PS power supply
List of Abbreviations X-3