AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual 151
Encoder Testing and Setting Using the PC Utility
• Set and program the Encoder module’s parameters in EEPROM
• Activate the motors in each direction at variable speed
• View the measured encoder counts
• View the measured encoder speed
• View the status of the Limit Switches
The screen is composed of the following buttons and displays:
1- Setting of the Encoder’s threshold level
2- Setting of the Time Base for speed computation
3- Setting Divider for computing relative distance
4- Measure and display speed and relative distance
5- Measure and display counter values
6- Detect and display optional limit switch status
7- Start/Stop communication with controller
8- Set motor speed and direction for testing
Encoder Module Parameters Setting
The Encoder module has 4 programmable parameters: Two Time Bases (one for each
encoder), a Divider for computing relative distance, and the voltage threshold for discern-
ing a 0 or 1 level at the encoder’s output. In the case of the AX2500/2850, the threshold is
fixed at 2.5V and cannot be changed.
The Time Base parameter is used to compute the speed measured by the module. The
measured speed is a relative number ranging from 0 to +/-127.
The relationship between this relative speed number and the actual RPM is based on the
Time Base value and the Encoder’s Pulses Per Revolution (PPR) value (see “Using the
Encoder to Measure Speed” on page 139 for details)
On this screen, changing the Time Base and PPR values automatically display the “Max
RPM” values that can be measured with these settings. For example, with a default set-
ting of 16 and 200 for the Time Base and PPR respectively, the maximum RPM values is
2188. This means that when the motors rotate at 2188 RPM, the measured relative speed
is +127. If the motor spins faster, the speed is still reported to be +127.
Note that the PPR value is not stored in the controller. It is used only in Roborun to convert
relative speed into actual RPM.
The Divider parameter is described in “Using the Encoder to Track Position” on page 140.
The threshold level parameter and its operation is described in “Voltage Levels, Thresholds
and Limit Switches” on page 136.