AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual 35
Basic Operation
SECTION 4 General
This section discusses the controller’s normal operation in all its supported operating
Basic Operation
The AX2500/2850’s operation can be summarized as follows:
• Receive commands from a radio receiver, joystick or a microcomputer
• Activate the motors according to the received command
• Perform continuous check of fault conditions and adjust actions accordingly
Multiple options are available for each of the above listed functions which can be combined
to produce practically any desired mobile robot configuration.
Input Command Modes
The controller will accept commands from one of the following sources
• R/C radio
• Serial data (RS232)
• Analog signal (0 to 5V)
A detailed discussion on each of these modes and the available commands is provided in
the following dedicated chapters: “R/C Operation” on page 69, “Serial (RS-232) Controls
and Operation” on page 87, and “Analog Control and Operation” on page 107.
The controller’s factory default mode is R/C radio. The mode can be changed using any of
the methods described in “Programming using built-in Switches and Display” on page 153
and “Loading, Changing Controller Parameters” on page 162.