Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
92 AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.7. February 1, 2005
This information can be safely ignored and the controller will still be able to switch to
RS232 mode upon receiving 10 continuous Carriage Returns as described above.
The format of the data logging string and it content is described in Figure , “Analog and R/C
Modes Data Logging String Format,” on page 102
RS232 Mode if default
If the controller is configured in RS232 mode, it will automatically be in the RS232 mode
upon reset or power up.
In this case, the “OK” message is sent automatically, indicating that the controller is ready
to accept commands through its serial port.
RS232 Commands Set
AX2500/2850 commands and queries are composed of a series of 2 or 4 characters fol-
lowed by the “enter” (carriage return) code.
The controller will send back (echo) every character it is receiving. By checking that the
returned character is the same as the one sent, it is possible to verify that there has been
no error in communication.
After a command has been received and properly executed, the controller will send the
“+” character.
If a command has been received with errors or bad parameters, the controller will send the
“-” character.
A complete summary of the acknowledge and error messages sent by the controller can
be found on page 97.
The following is a list of the AX2500/2850 RS232 commands and queries:
Set Motor Command Value
Send a speed of position value from 0 to 127 in the forward or reverse direction for a given
channel. In mixed mode, channel 1 value sets the common forward and reverse value for
both motors, while channel 2 sets the difference between motor 1 and motor 2 as required
for steering. In all other modes, channel 1 commands motor 1 and channel 2 commands
motor 2.
Syntax: !Mnn
Where M=A: channel 1, forward direction
a: channel 1, reverse direction
B: channel 2, forward direction
b: channel 2, reverse direction
Where nn= Speed or position value in 2 Hexadecimal digits from 00 to 7F
!A00 channel 1 to 0