AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual 153
SECTION 13 Configuring the
Controller using
the Switches
The AX2500/2850 Speed Controller can be programmed to operate in many modes
using a simple set-up procedure. Two buttons and a 7-segment LED display let the
user examine and change these settings. Alternatively, the controller may be pro-
grammed using a PC connected to the AX2500/2850 controller through the RS232
serial communication port.
The new settings are then permanently stored in the controller’s Flash memory so
that jumpers are not required, resulting in improved system reliability.
Programming Methods
There are three methods for programming the AX2500/2850’s settings:
• Using the controller’s built-in switches and display. This method is described
in details in this chapter.
• Using the PC-based Configuration Utility. See “Using the Roborun Configura-
tion Utility” on page 159.
• Sending RS232 commands manually. See “RS232 Accessible Parameter
Table” on page 99.
Programming using built-in Switches and Display
Two switches and an LED display are provided to let you easily configure the con-
troller in any of its many operating modes. Unlike the RS232 programming mode,
the switches will let you configure the controller without the need for external hard-
ware or special connectors. In this mode, the controller may be configured while
installed on the robot without the need for special tools or a PC. Figure 91 shows
the placement of the switches and display.