Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC Q series MELSEC L series Home Theater Server User Manual

3.1 Configuration of Instructions
(2) Source
(a) A source is data used in an operation.
(b) The following source types are available depending on the device specified in an
Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifies a numeric value used in an operation.
Constants are set during programming so that
they cannot be changed while the program is
being executed.
Perform index modification when using them as
variable data.
Bit device and word device. . . . . . . Specifies the device in which the data used in
the operation are stored.
Data must be stored to the specified device
before executing the operation.
By changing the data to be stored to the
specified device while a program is being
executed, the data used in the instruction can
be changed.
(c) The instructions explained in this manual use special data. Refer to the explanation for
each instruction and use data correctly.
(3) Destination
(a) Data after the operation are stored to a destination.
(b) Set a device in which data are to be stored to a destination.
(c) The instructions explained in this manual use special data. Refer to the explanation for
each instruction and use data correctly.
For details of the configuration of instructions for labels and structures, refer to
MELSEC-Q/L/F Structured Programming Manual (Fundamentals).