Dell iDRAC8 Universal Remote User Manual

When you manually enable or disable a user with the racadm config subcommand, you must specify the
index with the -i option.
Observe that the cfgUserAdminIndex object displayed in the previous example contains a '#' character. It
indicates that it is a read-only object. Also, if you use the racadm config -f racadm.cfg command to
specify any number of groups/objects to write, the index cannot be specified. This behavior allows more
flexibility in configuring multiple iDRAC with the same settings.
To enable SNMP v3 authentication for a user, use SNMPv3AuthenticationType, SNMPv3Enable,
SNMPv3PrivacyType objects. For more information, see the RACADM Command Line Interface Guide
available at
If you are using the configuration XML file, then use the AuthenticationProtocol, ProtocolEnable, and
PrivacyProtocol attributes to enable SNMPv3 authentication.
Adding iDRAC User Using RACADM
To add a new user to the RAC configuration, perform the following:
1. Set the user name.
2. Set the password.
3. Set the following user privileges:
Serial Port
Serial Over LAN
4. Enable the user.
The following example describes how to add a new user named "John" with a "123456" password and
LOGIN privileges to the RAC.
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminUserName -i 3 john
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword -i 3 123456
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i 3 -o cfgUserAdminPrivilege 0x00000001
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i 3 -o cfgUserAdminIpmiLanPrivilege 2
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i 3 -o cfgUserAdminIpmiSerialPrivilege 2
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i 3 -o cfgUserAdminSolEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i 3 -o cfgUserAdminEnable 1
To verify, use one of the following commands:
racadm getconfig -u john
racadm getconfig –g cfgUserAdmin –i 3
For more information on the RACADM commands, see the iDRAC8 RACADM Command Line Interface
Reference Guide available at
Enabling iDRAC User With Permissions
To enable a user with specific administrative permissions (role-based authority):