Deploying Operating Systems
You can use any of the following utilities to deploy operating systems to managed systems:
• Virtual Media Command Line Interface (CLI)
• Virtual Media Console
• Remote File Share
Related Links
Deploying Operating System Using VMCLI
Deploying Operating System Using Remote File Share
Deploying Operating System Using Virtual Media
Deploying Operating System Using VMCLI
Before you deploy the operating system using the vmdeploy script, make sure that:
• VMCLI utility is installed on the management station.
• Configure User and Access Virtual Media privileges for iDRAC are enabled for the user.
• IPMItool is installed on the management station.
NOTE: IPMItool does not work if IPv6 is configured either on the managed system or the
management station.
• iDRAC is configured on the target remote systems.
• System is able to boot from the image file.
• IPMI Over LAN is enabled in iDRAC.
• Network share contains drivers and operating system bootable image file, in an industry standard
format such as .img or .iso.
NOTE: While creating the image file, follow standard network-based installation procedures, and
mark the deployment image as read-only to make sure that each target system boots and
executes the same deployment procedure.
• Virtual Media status is in attach state.
• vmdeploy script is installed on the management station. Review this sample vmdeploy script included
with VMCLI. The script describes how to deploy the operating system to remote systems in the
network. It internally uses VMCLI and IPMItool.
NOTE: The vmdeploy script is dependent on some support files in the directory during
installation. To use the script from another directory, copy all the files with it. If the IPMItool
utility is not installed, copy the utility along with the other files.
To deploy the operating system on target remote systems:
1. List the iDRAC IPv4 addresses of the target remote systems, in the ip.txt text file. List one IPv4
address per line.
2. Insert a bootable operating system, CD or DVD, into the management station drive.
3. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges and run the vmdeploy script: