Setting Alert Recurrence Event
You can configure iDRAC to generate additional events at specific intervals if the system continues to
operate at a temperature which is greater than the inlet temperature threshold limit. The default interval is
30 days. The valid range is 0 to 366 days. A value of ‘0’ indicates no event recurrence.
NOTE: You must have Configure iDRAC privilege to set the alert recurrence value.
Setting Alert Recurrence Events Using iDRAC Web Interface
To set the alert recurrence value:
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Server → Alerts → Alert Recurrence.
The Alert Recurrence page is displayed.
2. In the Recurrence column, enter the alert frequency value for the required category, alert, and
severity type(s).
For more information, see the iDRAC Online help.
3. Click Apply.
The alert recurrence settings are saved.
Setting Alert Recurrence Events Using RACADM
To set the alert recurrence event using RACADM, use the eventfilters subcommand. For more
information, see the iDRAC8 RACADM Command Line Interface Reference Guide.
Setting Event Actions
You can set event actions such as perform a reboot, power cycle, power off, or perform no action on the
Related Links
Filtering Alerts
Enabling or Disabling Alerts
Setting Event Actions Using Web Interface
To set an event action:
1. In iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Server → Alerts. The Alerts page is displayed.
2. Under Alerts Results, from the Actions drop-down menu, for each event select an action:
• Reboot
• Power Cycle
• Power Off
• No Action
3. Click Apply.
The setting is saved.
Setting Event Actions Using RACADM
To configure an event action, use one of the following: