
If the domain is not specified in the user name, select the Active Directory domain from the Domain
drop-down menu.
5. For an LDAP user, in the Username and Password fields, enter your LDAP user name and password.
Domain name is not required for LDAP login. By default, This iDRAC is selected in the drop-down
6. Click Submit. You are logged into iDRAC with the required user privileges.
If you log in with Configure Users privileges and the default account credentials, and if the default
password warning feature is enabled, the Default Password Warning page is displayed allowing you
to easily change the password.
Related Links
Configuring User Accounts and Privileges
Changing Default Login Password
Configuring Supported Web Browsers
Logging into iDRAC Using Smart Card
You can log in to iDRAC using a smart card. Smart cards provide Two Factor Authentication (TFA) that
provide two-layers of security:
Physical smart card device.
Secret code such as, a password or a PIN.
Users must verify their credentials using the smart card and the PIN.
Related Links
Logging Into iDRAC as a Local User Using Smart Card
Logging Into iDRAC as an Active Directory User Using Smart Card
Logging Into iDRAC as a Local User Using Smart Card
Before you log in as a local user using Smart Card, make sure to:
Upload user smart card certificate and the trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to iDRAC
Enable smart card logon.
The iDRAC Web interface displays the smart card logon page for users who are configured to use the
smart card.
NOTE: Depending on the browser settings, you are prompted to download and install the smart
card reader ActiveX plug-in when using this feature for the first time.
To log in to iDRAC as a local user using smart card:
1. Access the iDRAC Web interface using the link https://[IP address].
The iDRAC Login page is displayed prompting you to insert the smart card.
NOTE: If the default HTTPS port number (port 443) has been changed, type: https://[IP
address]:[port number] where, [IP address] is the IP address for the iDRAC and
[port number] is the HTTPS port number.
2. Insert the Smart Card into the reader and click Login.
A prompt is displayed for the Smart Card’s PIN. A password in not required.