System Administrator’s Guide
Document K14392V1 Rev A 45
A connection that behaves like dial-up
A session request behaves just as if you had reached the site’s Multi-Media unit by connecting
directly to it, by dial-up. Such a connection behaves as if it were a simple dial-up; two dial-up sites
cannot be used at the same time with one modem. Sessions to a dial-up site have to be closed
before using another dial-up site.
What your network administrator needs
Multi sessions (live, retrieval and alarm) are sent to port 10,000. This port should be left open in
your organization’s firewall, for the sockets used by Multi.
Fig. 3–13. Connecting to a Rapid Eye Site through a RAS Server, Transparently.
To Set a Connection to a RAS
1. In the Add Site/Update Site dialog box, click in the “Connections to the Site” pane.
The Add Connection dialog box appears; see figure
3–14. When adding a connection,
the Connection Name box appends a stylized arrow and “Network” suffix to the site’s
name; this suffix may change as the next steps are carried out. Note that the suffix is not
changed when updating a connection.
2. In the IP Address box, type the Multi-Media unit’s IP address, obtained from your
network administrator, as mentioned in section
Naming / Renaming a Site.
3. Click Use Dial-up Networking. The connection’s suffix changes to “dial-up”.
4. As needed, change or leave the Country Code used to reach the RAS server by
5. Type the RAS server’s Area Code (City Code) and Phone Number obtained from your
network administrator (also mentioned in
Naming / Renaming a Site).
If your telephone exchange needs a prefix number (an extra telephone key stroke such as a
“9” or an “8”) to access an outside line: Set this in the Window's Telephony program used
by the PC. For local calls that span area codes or long distance calls within one area code,
Area Code: Irregular Use, above.