
System Administrator’s Guide
Document K14392V1 Rev A 99
ACUIX Dome Camera
An ACUIX PTZ dome camera with Intellibus can be used and configured using Rapid Eye
View software. In preparation, installers have:
Set each ACUIX dome camera to their
Intellibus mode (IBus).
Set DIP switch 5–8 to ON, on each ACUIX dome camera. The Camera Address can then be set
using rotary switches (SW1 to SW4) on the PCB at the base of the dome.
Connected the ACUIX dome cameras to a port on the Rapid Eye unit.
Notified the Multi SA of the number of the port used on the Rapid Eye unit and the
Camera Address used for each ACUIX dome camera.
Configuring the Intellibus Device for a Rapid Eye Unit
1. Assign the Intellibus device to the port used by the installers, by dragging its icon from
the Unassigned Devices to a "Port n". Figure
6–14 shows the result when Port 4 is used.
Port "3" through "10". Select RS-485 on the Serial Devices tab.
Port "1" or "2". Select RS-232. Use a hardware converter for RS-232/RS-485 on
these ports to translate communications to and from the
ACUIX dome cameras.
2. On the Serial Devices tab, select the values shown in table
6–3. See also figure 6–14.
Fig. 6–14. Communication Settings for Intellibus on the Serial Devices Tab.
Table 6–3 Communications for the Intellibus Device, and for each ACUIX Dome Camera
Communications Value
Baud Rate 38400
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Parity Bits none