Using Spectrum Analyzer Features
Using limit-line Functions
Selecting the Limit-Line
Table Format
Press Edit Upper , Edit Lower , Edit Up/Low, or Edit
to edit or create a limit-line table. Each of the edit softkeys represents a
different type of limit-line table format. The choice of edit softkey depends
upon whether you want an upper limit line only, a lower limit line only, or
both an upper and a lower limit line. If you want both lower limit lines, then
the characteristics of the limit lines being entered affect your choice of using
the upper/lower or mid/delta functions.
The four limit-line table formats are described below:
l The upper limit-line table format is accessed by Edit Upper . With the
upper limit-line table format, the coordinates of only the upper limit line
are displayed for editing; lower limit-line coordinates are not specified.
Even if lower limit-line values exist or the values had been entered as an
upper and lower limit-line table, the upper limit-line values are treated as
a separate table from the lower limit-line values. Upper limit-line entries
can have independent frequency and amplitude coordinates from lower
limit-line table entries.
l The lower limit-line table format is accessed by Edit Lower . With the
lower limit-line table format, the coordinates of only the lower limit line
are displayed for editing; upper limit-line coordinates are not specified.
Even if upper limit-line values exist or the values had been entered as an
upper and lower limit-line table, the lower limit-line values are treated as
a separate table from the upper limit-line values. Lower limit-line entries
can have independent frequency and amplitude coordinates from upper
limit-line table entries.