Model 9110T NOx Analyzer Setup Menu
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 120 Calibration of the Analog Outputs
Analog output calibration should be carried out on first startup of the analyzer (performed in the factory
as part of the configuration process) or whenever recalibration is required. The analog outputs can be
calibrated automatically, either as a group or individually, or adjusted manually.
In its default mode, the instrument is configured for automatic calibration of all channels, which is useful
for clearing any analog calibration warnings associated with channels that will not be used or connected
to any input or recording device, e.g., data logger.
Manual calibration should be used for the 0.1V range or in cases where the outputs must be closely
matched to the characteristics of the recording device. The AUTOCAL feature must be disabled first for
manual calibration. Enabling or Disabling the AutoCal for an Individual Analog Output
To enable or disable the AutoCal feature for an individual analog output, elect the ANALOG I/O
CONFIGURATION submenu (see Figure 5-5) then press: