Model 9110T NOx Analyzer Getting Started
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 42
Figure 3-7: Analog In Connector
Pin assignments for the Analog In connector are presented in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4: Analog Input Pin Assignments
1 Analog input # 1 AIN 1
2 Analog input # 2 AIN 2
3 Analog input # 3 AIN 3
4 Analog input # 4 AIN 4
5 Analog input # 5 AIN 5
6 Analog input # 6 AIN 6
7 Analog input # 7 AIN 7
8 Analog input # 8 AIN 8
GND Analog input Ground N/A
See Section 7 for details on setting up the DAS. Connecting Analog Outputs
The 9110T is equipped with several analog output channels accessible through a connector on the back
panel of the instrument.
Output channels A1, A2 and A3 are assigned to the NO
, NO and NO
concentration signals of the
The default analog output voltage setting of these channels is 0 to 5 VDC with a reporting
range of 0 to 500 ppb.
An optional Current Loop output is available for each.
The output labeled A4 is special. It can be set by the user to output any one a variety of diagnostic test
functions (see Section 5.9.4).
The default analog output voltage setting of these channels is also 0 to 5 VDC.
See Section 5.9.4 for a list of available functions and their associated reporting range.
There is no optional Current Loop output available for Channel A4.
To access these signals attach a strip chart recorder and/or data-logger to the appropriate analog output
connections on the rear panel of the analyzer. Pin-outs for the analog output connector are: