Chapter 5: Configuration
Keyboard Properties
90 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
If you choos e OneShot, the modifier key r emai ns ac ti ve onl y unt il the next key is
OneShot/Lock allows you to combi ne these func ti ons. When you choos e this
optio n and you press the modifier key once, it re mains act ive only until t he next k ey
is presse d.
If you press the modifier key twice, it is locked ‘on’, remaining active until the
modifier ke y is pressed a thi rd time t o turn it ‘off’. Keyboard Macro Keys
•In the Keyboard Properties dialog box, ope n the Macros tab.
A macro has 200 progr ammable chara cters (o r “positi ons”). The macro keys can be
programmed to r epla ce f req uent ly us ed keystrokes, alo ng wit h the function of
executabl e keys inc ludi ng [ ENTER], [BKSP] and [DEL] ([FN/BLUE]-[BKSP] ),
function k eys a nd ar row keys.
Recording And Saving A Macro
You can program up to 12 ma cro k eys on a 58-key WORKABOUT PRO. On a
36-key WORKABOUT PRO, you can program a maximum of 6 macro keys.
•In the Macro
menu highlight a macro key nu mber, for example macro 1, to
assign a macr o to ma cro k ey [M1]
. Choose the Record button.