Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Quad Indicators
226 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
A green LED is il luminated next to the RJ45 connec tor when a valid net work link is
A user appli cat ion must be load ed ont o eac h WORKABOUT PRO that utilizes th e
quad dock for commu nica ti on. Wh en th e net work i s connected an d thi s ap pli cat ion
is loaded, t he q uad dock is rea dy for use .
6.10.2 Quad Indicators
The quad dock i s equi pped with a power indi cat or LED an d RJ45 l ink a nd tr aff ic
indicato r LEDs. When a valid netw ork l ink is e sta bli shed, a green LED is
illuminat ed ne xt t o the RJ45 connector.
6.10.3 Inserting A WORKABOUT In The Quad Docking Station
• Slide the WORKABOUT PRO into the cradle port ion of th e quad dock
until li ght ly l atc hed.
The hand-held detects that it is in a quad dock and momentarily displays the appropriate
icon in the navigation bar at the top of the screen
– . The LED on the hand-held unit
lights up to show it has external power and may start char ging the batter y.
Interact io n with the WORKABOUT PRO while in t he qua d dock is a function of
the user a pplication soft ware used to communicate wit h the host net work.
6.10.4 Network Access
The quad docking station has one 10/100 Ether net port . You can insert up t o fou r
hand-held units. The hand-helds are conne cte d to a n internal USB hub. The ha nd-
held un it a utomat ic all y det ect s insertion into a quad do cking stati on and load s the
appropriate driv ers to communicat e with the USB/Eth ernet convert er s. Network Addressing
Although the USB c onver ter s ha ve fi xed Et her net MAC addr ess es, t her e is
generall y no co rrelat ion bet ween th ese addre sses and a specif ic h and-held . The host
applicat ion uses standard TCP/IP protocol to name, loc ate and co mmuni cat e wit h a
specifi c WORKABOUT PRO on the network.
If a link is e sta bli shed bet we en a WORKABOUT PRO and a host, t he ap pli cat ion
on the host and on the ha nd-h eld mus t hav e a r ecove ry mechanism in t he eve nt t hat
the WORKABOUT PRO is removed from the dock a nd the link is int err upt ed.