
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
The Desktop Icons
58 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
select Desktop. Now the desktop will be “in focus” and the arrow keys
will highlight the icons.
4.3.1 The Desktop Icons
The icons di splayed in th e st art up des ktop operate in much the s ame way as tho se
displayed on any s tan dard PC desktop t hat i s r unni ng Windows.
My Device
Choosing this ico n displays the contents of your WORKABOUT PRO computer. If
you’re not sure how to acce ss t he fi le s, folders an d prog rams displayed , ref er to
“Workin g With Files , Folde rs And Pr ogr ams” on p age 56.
Recycle Bin
This option tempor ari ly stores items that were delete d, al lowing you to ei ther
permanen tly del ete or restore th es e it ems.
Internet Explorer
Choosing thi s ic on launches In ter net Explor er —a s tand ard Windows CE 5.0
version. Keep in m in d that your sup ervi sor will need to s et up access u sing the
Internet Options and the Network and Dial-up Connections icons in the Control
Remote Desktop Connection
This option allows your WORKABOUT PRO to communicate with a remote desktop
PC. “Remote Connect” on page 79 provides a website with step-by-step instruct ions.