Appendix C: Summit Client Utility (SCU) For Model RA2041
Config Tab
C-4 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
• EAP-Type & Encryption: Security s ett ings . Thes e settings all ow you to
enhance the security of dat a acr oss the wi rel ess LAN. Re fer to “EAP Cre-
dentials” on page 6 and Section below, for details abou t t hese settin gs.
SCU Security Capabilities
The SCU provides integrate d security t o protec t transmitt ed data as wel l as the han d-
held and wir ele ss WAN infr ast ru ctur e t hat transmit and receive d ata .
A foundation al e lement of t he I EEE 802.11i WLAN secur it y st andar d i s IEEE
802.1X and a cri ti cal application on a mobi le device is an 802.1X supplic ant . This
supplicant provide s an i nt erf ace between the rad io and the oper ati ng sy stem and
supports t he au thenticat ion a nd enc rypt ion e lemen ts r equi red for 802.11i, also
known as Wi-Fi Protect ed Access 2 (WPA2), as well as pred eces sor s suc h as W PA
and WEP. Summit softwar e i nclu des an integrated supplic ant that sup port s a br oad
range of security capa bilities , including:
• 802.1X authent ica tion using pr e-sh are d keys or an EAP type, requ ired for
WPA2 and WPA.
• Data encrypt ion and de cryption using WPA2 AES, WPA TKIP or WEP.
Common EAP types inclu de:
EAP Type Extensible Authentication
Protocol type used for 802.1X
authentication to access point.
– To use EAP-TLS, you must
use WZC.
Credentials Authentication credentials for
the selected EAP type.
Refer to “EAP Credentials”
on page 6.
User: Username or
Domain/Username (up to 64
Password: up to 64 characters.
For PEAP: CA Cert–CA server
certificate filename.
Encryption Type of en crypt ion used t o
protect transmitted data.
None, Manual WEP, Auto
WEP (gen erat e d durin g EAP
authentica ti o n ), WPA PSK,
For Manual WEP: Up to four
static WEP k e ys.
For PSK: ASCII passphrase or
hex PSK.
Radio Attribute Description Value Default