WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 91
Chapter 5: Configuration
Keyboard Properties
A message screen is dis played instr uct ing you to Enter Key Strokes to Record
• Type the macro sequence you want to a ssi gn t o the Mac ro ke y. You can
type text and numbe rs, a nd you can program t he f unct ion of spe cia l ke ys
into a macro.
• When you’ve fin ishe d recording yo ur macr o se quence, press the key
sequence: [ CTRL] [ALT] [ENTER], or choose t he Stop Recording button.
A new screen ca lle d ‘Verif y Macr o’ displays the macr o sequence you c rea ted.
The Save button is hi ghl ight ed.
• Press [ENTER] to save your macro, or hi ghli ght CANCEL and press
[ENTER] to discard it.
Executing A Macro
To execute a macr o:
• Press the mac ro ke y to whi ch you’ve assi gned the mac ro. For exa mple, i f
you create d a macro for macro key 1, press [M1] to execute the macr o.
Deleting A Macro
To delete a macr o:
•In the Macros tab, highl ight the macro number you want t o delet e.
• Choose t he Delete button.