Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Installation–Chargers And Docking Stations
214 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
• Cigarett e Ligh ter Adapt or–Model No. WA3113- G2
• Single Batt ery Ch arger
–Model No. WA3001-G1
• Quad Batt ery Char ger
–Model No. WA3004-G1
• Desktop Docking St ation
–Model No. WA4003-G2
• Quad Dockin g Stat ion For 7527C- G2
–Model No. WA4204-G2
• Quad Docking St at ion For 7527S-G2
–Model No. WA4304-G2
6.4.1 Installation–Chargers And Docking Stations
When install ing a cha rger or doc king station, cons ide r th e fol lo wing gui delines.
• Keep chargers and doc king stations awa y from excessiv e dir t, d ust a nd
• Chargers will not charg e bat ter ie s out side an ambient tempe rat ure rang e
of 0° C to 45 °C ( 32° F t o 113° F). It i s r ecommende d tha t the char ger or
docking station be operate d at room tempera ture
–between 18° C and 25° C
(64° F to 77° F) fo r maxi mum per formance.
After unpac king your unit:
• Visually ins pect the charg er f or possible damage.
• Install the IEC power cor d and apply power.
6.4.2 Power Consumption Considerations
Check to ensur e t h e main s ci rcui t supplying c hargers a nd/or docking s tations is
adequate f or t h e l oad, es peci al ly if several c harger s an d docki ng stations are being
powered from t he sa me cir cui t.
• Quad charger
–can consume up to 2A @ 120VAC or 1A @ 240VAC.
• Quad docki ng st at ion
–can consume up to 3A @ 120VAC or 1. 5A @
6.4.3 Operator Controls
WORKABOUT PRO docking stations an d charg ers have n o oper ato r controls or
power swi tches.
6.4.4 Important Charger Safety Instructions
• SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS–This manual contains importa nt safety and
operating inst ruct ions for battery char ger s.