Chapter 5: Configuration
Manage Triggers
106 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
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By default, t he t ri gger mapping list o nly s hows ac tive mappings. Mappings for
drivers o r app lications that ar e not curr ent ly a cti ve a re not normall y dis played. By
checking t his c heckbox, all mappi ngs, both active and inactive, a re d ispl aye d.
Tapping this button brings up the Add mapping di alog (see page 106), so th at y ou
can add new tr igge r mappings.
Tapping this button brings up the Edit mapping dialog ( see page 106), so tha t you
can edit e xist in g tr igge r mappi ngs.
Tapping this button re moves an e x is ti ng mappi ng.
The OK button in t he t op r ight of t he Manage Triggers scr een s aves all cha nges
made. If the c ancel button X is tappe d instead, or the [ESC] key is pressed, all
changes ma de wil l b e dis car ded. Add And Edit Trigger Mapping
These dial ogs al low t he us er to add and ed it t ri gger mappi ngs.