WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 45
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Onscreen Indicators
Modifier Key Indicators
[SHIFT], [CTRL], [ALT], [FN/BLUE] and [FN/ORANGE] are modifi er keys that
when pres sed, a re d isp laye d in t h e t ask bar t o indicate t hat the y ar e act ive. If a
modifier ke y is locked ‘on’, i t i s di spla yed i n uppercase characters. For example, if
the [FN/BLUE] key i s l ocked on, it is dis pla yed as
BLUE KEY in the ta skbar. A locked
modifier ke y re main s a cti ve un til it is pre ssed agai n to unlock or t urn it off.
If a modifie r key has been press ed but is not locked on, it is di splayed i n the taskb ar
in lowercase ch aracters – for example,
blue key. It will r emain active only u ntil the nex t
key is pres sed at which point, t he modi fi er key is tur ned off.
Note: The locking function of the modifier keys can be set up so that pressing
one of these keys once will lock the key ‘on’. They can also be set up so
that they must be pressed twice to be locked ‘on’. Refer to “Keyboard One
Shot Modes” on page 89for details.
Battery Gauge
The batter y sha ped icon displayed i n t h e ta skba r pr ovide s a vi sual indicati on of the
remaining ba tt ery power. The icon acts as a mete r t h at i s ei th er f ull, at three- quarter
level, hal f, qua rt er l evel or empty.
When the batte ry l evel is low—approximat ely 15 minut es from empty—a warni ng
window pops up. Whe n the bat ter y power is comple tely depleted, a final warning
window indicat es that the WORKABOUT PRO will be p owered down.
If the WORKABOUT PRO is using e xte rnal AC power, an AC icon is dis play ed i n
the taskbar.
Battery Charge
The batter y charge icon is dis pla yed in the tas kbar when t he hand-held ba tte ry i s
being charged.
AC ConnectionFull
50% 25% Empty