WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 247
Chapter 7: Specifications
Standard Discharge
Battery Pack Electrical Specifications Standard Discharge
Note: Standard charge is defined as charging with constant voltage limit of 4.2V
and constant current limit of 0.9A; the termination charge occurs when
the current drops to 45mA.
Standard discharge is defined as discharging at a constant current of
350mA until the battery protection circuit switches the battery output off in
over-discharge mode.
Acceptance Test Specifications
Description Specification
Minimum Typical Maximum
Over voltage dete ction volta ge 4.325V 4.350V 4.375V
Charge enable 4.10V 4.15V 4.20V
Under vo ltage de tect ion vo ltage 2.5 V 2.6 V 2.7V
Over current detection current - 3.5A -
Short-circuit dete ctio n cu rre nt 5.0A 8.0A 11.0A
Short-circuit dete ctio n volta ge 150mV 200mV 250mV
Over voltage dela y time 0.8 s 1s 1.2s
Under vo ltage de lay tim e 90ms 100ms 110ms
Over cu rre nt de lay time 5ms 10ms 20ms
Short-circuit dela y tim e 160µs 200µs 240µs
Reco ver y cha rge cu rr e n t 0.5mA 1mA 2mA
Description Condition Standard
Open circ uit volta ge After s tand ard c ha rge, me as ure w ithin 2 4 ho ur s. 4.15V or mor e
Internal R e sis tanc e After standard cha rge, meas ur e w ithin 2 4 ho ur s. 200 m max.
After s t and ar d charge, measure t i m e t a ken f or a f a st
110 minutes o r mor e
Charge /Discharg e
After rep eating s t and ard c ha rge and f ast dis charge,
measur e the f ast dis charge time after 30 0 dis ch arge
90 minutes o r more
After standard charge, measure the time taken for a
stan dard discha rge.
500 minutes or more