Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP)
182 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
• Double- tap o n Addendum to displ ay a d ial og box listing your options .
• Highli ght a n it em, and t ap on OK.
When “Addendum” is se t t o
Not Required but Transmitted if Read, t he sc anner
searches f or an addendum and i f on e exi st s, appe nds i t t o th e main bar code. When
the parameter is set to
Required and Transmitted, the sca nner does not accept th e
main bar code without an adden dum.
Addendum Add-on 2 And Addendum Add-on 5
Enabling these para meters sets t he l engt h of t he addendum bar code to eit her 2 or
5 characters.
GTIN Compliant
GTI N (global tr ade item numbe r) process ing transmit s EAN 128 as the 14-c haracter
EAN/UCC GTIN. To use GTIN processing, you must act ivate the EAN 128
Important: When EAN 128 and GTIN processing are both activated, it is not
possible to read normal EAN 128 Codes.
Reading Range
This paramet er d eter m ines the rea ding distanc e fr om which a bar code can be
successfu ll y scanned. The def ault set ting, Extended, allows f or i ncr eased
reading di sta nce. Code 93
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “Code 93”.
Minimum Length
Minimum lengths f or t he ba r code can be se t f rom 0 to 255. The length of a code
refers t o th e number of characte rs ( i.e ., human r eadab le c haracters), inc lud ing
check digi t(s ).
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details .