Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Charging The Battery
34 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
The Suspend Threshold adjustment in the Power Properties tab al lows y ou to
determine t he ba ttery capac ity at whi ch t he hand-held wi ll be shu t down. I f l eft at
the default value , Maximum Operating Time, the unit wi ll run until t he bat te ry i s
completely emp ty; the RAM is only backed up fo r a s hort per iod o f t ime. If you
choose Maximum Backup Time, the hand-held shuts of f with more ener gy left in the
battery s o RAM ca n be ba cked u p for a l onger period of ti me .
Refer to “Susp end Threshold” on page 100 for detai ls about reservin g battery power
for data backup purpos es.
3.2.3 Charging The Battery
Batterie s shi pped from the fact ory a re c harge d to a pprox imately 40% of cap aci ty.
They must b e ful ly c harged pri or t o use .
Keep in mind also th at, a long with the mai n bat tery, the WORKABOUT PRO is
equipped wit h an internal , bac kup bat te ry t hat pres erv es da ta stored on the unit
while the main battery is swapped.
Important: The backup battery is trickle charged from the main battery. To
maximize battery life, avoid excessive discharging and recharging
of the backup battery by keeping the main battery fully charged.
IF YOU ARE POWERING UP A NEW UNIT, a warning message
may appear on the screen indicating that the backup battery
capacity is low. To recharge the backup battery, you must fully
charge the WORKABOUT PRO with
the main battery installed in
unit. Chargers And Docking Stations
Important: FOR DETAILED INFORMATION about chargers and docking
stations, refer to “Peripheral Devices & Accessories” on
page 205.
Lithium Ion ba tt ery packs must be charged bef ore use. These batt eri es c an be
charged with a var iet y of charge rs a nd doc king s tat ions. These in clude:
• AC wall adaptor (Model # PS1050-G1) – opera tes as an AC power sourc e
and when plugged in, also c harges th e battery in sta ll ed in the unit .
• Desktop Docking St ati on ( Mode l # WA4003-G2)— oper ate s as both a
charger and a docki ng st at ion. Ope rat ing as a char ge r, both the batter y
install ed i n the hand- hel d and a spare ba tte ry c an be c harged si mul ta -