Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Adjusting WORKABOUT PRO Speaker Volume
44 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual Adjusting WORKABOUT PRO Speaker Volume
• Lock the [FN/BLUE] key ‘on’ an d the n, pre ss [ UP ARROW]—the
increase volume key or [DOWN ARROW]—the decrease volume key unt il
the volume meet s your re quir ement s.
• Remember to p ress the [FN/BLUE] key ag ain t o t urn i t ‘ off’.
3.6.3 Onscreen Indicators
The taskbar at the bottom of the screen displays a variety of syst em status indic ators.
Figure 3.6 Taskbar
The taskbar changes dynamica lly, and onl y t hose i cons tha t ar e applicable ar e
displayed . For e xample, if a r adi o is not ins ta lle d in your WORKABOUT PRO, the
radio sig nal i con is not di spl ayed i n t he taskbar.
Windows® Start Button
If you are using th e touchscr een, you can eithe r tap the Windo ws icon at the bott om
left of t he s cre en, or press [FN/BLUE] [.] (pe ri od) t o di spla y the Start Menu, and
then tap on t he de si red applicat ion.