Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
The Port Replicator
232 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
6.11.7 The Port Replicator
The port re pli cat or (Model# WA4005-G1) is an optional acce ssor y that allows
tethere d devi ces as well as mo unte d per iphe ral s ( e.g., bar code pri nters or weig h
scales) to be att ached to the v ehic le c rad le. The replicato r ca n be us ed wit h or
without the cra dle power opti on.
The functi onal ity of t he WORKABOUT PRO tether por t i s r epli cat ed i nto RS-232
serial i nt erfaces by t he por t r epli cator. It provides the u ser with 3 DB9 s eri al
interfa ces as well as one Type B USB por t (f or c onnec ti ng a Host dev ice ).
6.12 Scanners And Imagers
The WORK ABOUT PRO s upp ort s a wide r ang e of sc ann er/i mage r op tio ns to a ddr ess
a variety of user application requirements. The scanner/imager installed in your unit can
be configured using the Scanner Settings di al og b ox i n t he Control Panel (see
page 134) and the Manage Triggers application (see page 104).
Scanner/i ma gers avai lable for your h and- held include:
Scan Engine Kit Model Number
1D Laser SE955
WA9112-G 1
1D Laser SE1223HP WA9000-G1
1D Laser SE1223LR WA9005-G1
1D Laser SE1223ALR WA9006
1D Imager EV15
WA9113-G 1