Chapter 5: Configuration
Basic Setup
84 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Total Recall
Provides ac cess to a ba ckup a nd re store util it y t o maint ai n applications and
settings over cold reboots .
TweakIT Settings
Allows you to c hange Advanced Syst em Sett ing s (i nte rf ace, ne twor k, and
servers) , User Syst em Sett ings (di spl ay font size), and provides the
Registry Edi tor.
Volume & Sounds
Allows you to a djust the volume of t he sound emitted to indicate events like
warnings, key cli cks and scree n tap s.
Wireless WAN
Provides ac cess to technolog y li ke GSM/GPRS, wh ich all ows wide area
networking c apabi li ty such as in ter net browsi ng vi a GSM/GPRS. It also
provides a cces s to the Phone API. Fo r det ai led inf ormat ion, see Appendix
B: “Wir el ess WAN”.
5.5 Basic Setup
5.5.1 Display Properties
•In the Control Panel, choos e the Display icon.
Figure 5.2 Choosing The Display Icon