WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 115
Chapter 5: Configuration
Outgoing Tab
5.6.3 Outgoing Tab
Outgoing Port acts as a ser ia l por t t hat can be used to connect to a li st of Bluetooth
devices ( one at a t ime), but you have the f re edom to switch on-the-fly.
The Outgoing Port
che ckbox allows yo u to cre ate the Outgoi ng port. When the port
is creat ed, t he Outgoing tab l is ts th e po rt name.
The Outgoi ng list dial og box displays a list of servi ces mark ed as ‘Out going’. The
column indic ate s the c urrentl y sele cte d servic e. You can tap on Unselect to reset the
current selecti on, or you ca n ta p on
Select to make a se lec ti on. The Remove button
deletes t he s ervi ce from the outgoi ng li st.
The Prompt men u det ermin es t he be havi our of the pop-up Selection menu.
Choosing Everytime c ause s th e Sel ection menu to be dis play ed ea ch ti me an
outgoing por t i s cr eat ed. I f you c hoose Once, the men u is displaye d onl y when a
partner service is not selec ted .
To displa y the Selection menu at any time:
• Press [CTRL] [ALT] [F1], and swit ch the partn er Bluetooth device.
If a connec ti on to a par tner devi ce a lr eady e x is ts, t he c onnection is dropp ed and
anothe r con nect ion to the newl y sel ect ed de vic e is create d ins tantly with out
disrupti ng t he appl ication th at has op ened t he outgoing por t.
Note: To add a service to the Outgoing port, an active service must first be
deactivated. Then you can choose the ‘Outgoing’ option from the Activa-
tion menu (highlight a service, right-click or press the [SPACE] bar to
display the Activation menu).