
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
B-16 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
The Open but ton opens the s ele cte d messa ge i n a new wi ndow such that the ent ir e
message can be read including the origin al for matti ng ( li ne breaks are r epl ace d by
spaces in the Inbox message list ). Pressing t he Reply button o pens the new messa ge
dialog as d escr ibe d above, except the destination phone number i s fi ll ed i n already.
Tapping on the Outbox button opens the list o f sent messages. Othe rwise the Outbox
behaves exactly as t he Inbox described above. The date a nd ti me when a message
was sent is not a vailable for GSM mode ms.
SMS Configuration
Tapping on the SMS Configuration button opens the SMS configurati on dialog. The
SMS Centre addres s f o ll ows the same r ule s as the reci pie nt' s phone number in th e
New message d ialog. The message val idity period parameter is sent to the SMS
Centre with each message sent sub seque ntl y and i nstructs the SM S Cent re on how
long it sh ould a tt empt t o del ive r th e message to the rec ipi ent (th e SMS Ce ntr e may
impose a n upper li mit on the vali di ty pe riod regardl ess of t he setting).
Note: Only certain discrete validity period values can be sent and thus the
validity period is rounded to the nearest allowed value. The next time the
SMS configuration dialog is opened the rounded value is shown.
The user i nt erf ace tries t o kee p t he SM S s tor age location available for a n ew in com-
ing message i f t he Delete oldest message when full checkbox i s che cked. I n t his
case, when a new mes sage arrives and the SM S st orag e becomes full, the oldes t
received mes sage is dele ted. If any st ri ng is entere d as t he Message Suppression
Prefix, then message s beg inni ng wit h th at string will n ot be shown in ei ther th e
Inbox or Outbox. In thi s way mess ages int ende d for another appl ication run ning o n
the same devi ce can be hidden fr om the us er, as long as those message s beg in wi th
the stri ng configured here .
B.1.6 Voice
The Voice tab is described i n det ail under “Voic e – Usi ng The Ph one Dia ler ” on
page 20.
B.2 Power Mode
The power mode of the modem is contr olled through the Power menu in the Contr ol
Panel (not thr ough t he Wireless WAN user interfa ce) .