WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 143
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Decode Perf. Level
This paramet er provides three level s of decode p erformance or “aggress iveness” fo r
Code 39 symbols. I ncre asi ng the performa nce l eve l re duce s the amount of r equi red
bar code ori ent at ion – t his is useful when scannin g very long and/or truncated bar
codes. Keep in mind that incr ease d le vels reduce decode security.
When you double- tap on thi s par amet er, a dialog box is di spl ayed in which you ca n
enter a de code performanc e le vel o f bet w een 1 and 3.
Field Size/Chars
Field Size
The field size is the l engt h of the field a fte r t h e f irs t ch aracter is st ripped and the
prefix and s uffi x characters are added. If the field size i s non-zero, only bar codes of
that leng th are passed thr ough.
Prefix Char
This charac ter, if non-zero, is added be for e a s uccessfull y deco ded ba r code. Press
the key you want to i nse rt in the dialog box atta ched t o t his p ara meter. The
ASCII/Unicode k ey val ue of th e keypr ess is dis play ed.
Suffix Char
This charact er , if non-zer o, is added after a succe ssfully decoded bar code. Pre ss the
key you want to insert in the dialog box attached to t his para me ter. The
ASCII/Unicode k ey val ue of th e keypr ess is dis play ed.
Strip Leading
This paramet er de ter m ines the number of character s t hat will be r emoved f rom th e
beginning of the bar code b efor e t he pr efi x character is added.
Note: For Code 39 bar codes, the “AIAG Strip” is performed before the
“Strip Leading”.
Strip Trailing
The value ent ered in thi s parameter dete rmines the number of charact ers that wi ll be
removed from th e end o f t he bar code before the s uffix char act er is a dded.