WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 191
Chapter 5: Configuration
Barcodes Must Decode
This paramet er s peci fi es t he mini mum n umber of bar codes that the i ma ger mus t
decode in or der to report success.
Note: This number must be less than the number of bar codes assigned to
“Max Number Barcodes”. The driver validates and reassigns the value
if necessary.
Window Width
“Window Widt h” det er mines t he wi dth of the cap tur ed imag e in p ixel s.
Note: The driver will validate and reassign the value assigned to this parameter,
if necessary; the driver will also use the Window Width value to horizon-
tally center the image in the field of view.
Window Height
This paramet er de ter m ines the hei ght of the captured image in pixels.
Note: The driver will validate and reassign the value assigned to this parameter,
if necessary; the driver will also use “Window Height” value to vertically
center the image in the field of view.
Dot Time (msec)
The value sel ected for “ Dot Time (msec)” determine s (i n mill iseconds) h ow long
the targeti ng do t r emai ns on before t he s cann er begins c apturing images. When you
double -ta p on t his parameter, a dialog box is displayed in wh ich y ou can enter a
value of be tween 0 and 3000. A val ue of 0 dis able s t he tar get dot. Imager Advanced Options
Important: Do not adjust the advanced options without first consulting Psion
Teklogix technical support.
Factory Defaults On Reboot
The valu e ass ign ed to this par ameter deter mines whether or not the driv er wi ll
restore the f act ory default s to the imager devi ce o n the next reboot.
Note: The driver will default the imager device on a ‘clean’ reset, regardless of
the value of this parameter.