VI WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Australian 173
Canadian 173
China 173
Japanese 173
Kix 174
Korean 174
PlaNET 172, 198
PostNET 172, 198
Royal 174, 199
powering u p 12
Power Management Properties 98
battery capacity 98
suspend, power savi ng 99
Power Source 99
Prefix 140
Prefix Char 143, 144
Printer (serial service), Bluetooth 112
profile, creating backup 124
profile, restoring backup 128
Command Prompt 65
Internet Explorer 65
Remote Desktop C onnect ion 65
Window s Explorer 65
protective case 212
punctuation marks, accessing (S HIFT
Key) 37
quad battery char ger 223
quad dock (WA4204-G2) 225
Bluetooth 109
Bluetooth specs 246
IP address (Summit), as si gni ng 14
name servers (Summit) 16
RA2041 radio sp eci fi cati ons 244
RA3030-G2 GSM r adio speci fi cations
specifications 244
802.11b/g D irect S equence SS 244
802.11signal qualit y 46
radio specifications 244
Raster Expand Rate (2D) 140
Raster Height (2D) 140
RA2041 radio sp eci fi cati ons 244
RA3030-G2 GSM radio specifications 244
Reading Range 177, 179, 182, 185
recalibrating (touchscreen) 41, 103
remote connect 79
Remote Desktop C onnect ion 65
Repeat Delay (between key repeats) 88
Repeat Rate (of key repeats) 88
Repeat tab (key repeat settings) 87
resetting the WORKABOUT PRO
BooSt menu, accessing 27
warm reset 26
RSS Code 152, 166, 188, 196
Run (S t art Menu) 70
safety instructions
battery charger 214–215
scanner 232
safety warning, scanner 232
Same Read Timeout 176
Same Read Validate 176
Scan Data Format 140
Scan Indicator 201
SCAN Key 38
Scan Log File 201
Bi-Direction Redundancy 139
CLSI Editing 149
Codabar 149
Code 39 141
Continuous Scan Mode 138
Conv. UPC-E To UPC-A 147
Conv. UPC-E1 To UPC-A 147
decoded (internal) 137
decoded Intermec (ISCP) 175
EAN-8 Zero Extend 145
Enable Bookland 147
imager 190
Laser On Time 175
Linear Security Level 138
Low Power Timeout 138
Minimum Cancel Time 138
NOTIS Editing 149
one dimensional (1D) internal scanner
Parameter Scanning 138
PDF internal scanner dimensional (1D)
safety warnings 232
Security Level 148
Supp. Redundancy 147
Supplementals 147
techniques (scanni ng) 233