WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 11
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Preparing The WORKABOUT PRO For Operation
2.1 Preparing The WORKABOUT PRO For Operation
2.1.1 The Main Battery
Warning: Before charging the battery, it is critical that you review the battery
safety guidelines in the “WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Com-
puter Warranty & Regulatory Guide”, PN 8000126.
The WORKABOUT PRO C and WORKABOUT PRO S can be powered wi th on e
of the fol lowi ng li thi um-i on bat te ry pa cks:
• High-Capa cit y – Model No. WA3006, and
• Super Hig h-Capa cit y – Model No. WA3010 Charging The Main Battery
Important: Before opening the battery cover on your WORKABOUT PRO,
press [FN/BLUE] [ENTER] to turn off the hand-held
. When the
battery cover is removed, a power-off switch is automatically acti-
vated and the unit power is switched off; if the battery cover is
opened while the hand-held is still powered on, the unit may
Battery pa cks shippe d from the factor y are charged t o approxi mately 40% and mus t
be fully c harged pri or t o use . Batt eri es c an be charge d usi ng a va ri ety of chargers
and docking s tat ions al ong wit h a WORKABOUT PRO internal charger. When
using the i nte rnal char ger, a suitable power sour ce is required . All c hargers and
docking sta ti ons ar e de scr ibed in Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
beginning on page 205.
Note: If you are powering up a new unit, a warning message may appear on the
screen indicating that the backup battery capacity is low. To recharge the
internal battery, you must fully charge the WORKABOUT PRO with
battery installed in the unit.