WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual C-3
Appendix C: Summit Client Utility (SCU) For Model RA2041
Config Tab
• Radio Attributes: Lists radio attribute s. These attr ibut es c an be indi vidu-
ally chose n fr om this menu. When an att ri but e is chose n, an associated
list of opti ons i s di spl ayed whe re y ou can assign ne w sett ing s or view
existing settings.
The followi ng ta ble describes t he opt ions in the Radio Attributes drop-down menu:
Radio Attribute Description Value Default
Config Name of config (configura-
tion profile). U se Rename
button to change name.
Maximum of 32 characters. None
SSID Service set identifier (SSID)
for WLAN to which the
radio connects.
Maximum of 32 characters. None
Client Name Na me assigned t o radi o &
which it is installed.
Maximum of 16 characters. None
Power Save Power save mode for radio. CAM: Constantly awake.
Maximum: Maximum power
Fast: Fast po wer save mode.
Tx Power Maximum transmit power. Max: Maximum defi ned for
current regulatory domai n.
Measured in mW: 50 ,30,10, 1.
Bit Rate Used by radio when interact-
ing with WLAN access
Auto: Rate automatically
negotiated with access point.
Rates in Mbps: 1, 2, 5.5 , 6.9
11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54.
Radio Mode Used by 802.11g when inter-
acting with access point.
B rates only: 1, 2, 5.5 , & 11
G rates only: 6, 9, 12, 18, 2 4,
36, 48, and 54 Mbps.
BG rates full: All B and G
BG rates optimized: 1, 2, 5.5,
6, 11, 24, 36 & 54 Mbp s.
BG rates
Auth Type 802.11 authentication t ype
used when associating with
access point.
Open, shared-key, or LEAP