
Chapter 5: Configuration
194 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Constant Illumination
“Constan t I llu minat ion ” is used to reduce the int rusi vene ss of the device’s
illuminat ion on the observer. Instead of the illumination turnin g on and of f ev ery
time the dev ice att empts a dec ode ( 2-4 times per second), the il lu minat ion s tay s on
from the time t he trigg er is pull ed until a decode is succe ssful. This fe atur e is usef ul
in low ligh t environments , since it will a lso r educ e the distr act ion t hat the
illuminat ion can ha ve on nearby co- worker s. Code 39 Settings
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “Code 39”.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Code 128 Settings
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “Code 128”.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . EAN 13
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “EAN 13”.
An addendum is a s epar ate bar code, suppl ementa ry t o the ma in ba r co de.
This paramet er p rovi des t hre e opt ions: Disabl ed, Opt iona l and Requir ed.
Depending on t he val ue chosen for thi s par amete r, an addendum is recogni zed
or ignored.
Double- tap o n Addendum to displ ay a d ial og box listing your options .
Highli ght a n it em, and t ap on OK.