
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
158 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Refer to “Pr ef ix/ Suffix” be ginni ng on p age 144. EAN 8
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “EAN 8”.
Check Digit
If you enabl e t his parameter, a check digit is i ncluded with th e de coded bar
code data.
Addendum Add-on 2 And Addendum Add-on 5
An addendum is a s epar ate bar code, suppl ementa ry t o the ma in ba r co de.
Enabling these para meters define s th e le ngth of the add endum bar code to eith er
2 or 5 characters.
Addendum Required
When this par ame ter is set to on, the sca nner does not accept the main bar c ode
without an a ddendu m.
Addendum Separator
Addendum Separator is a spa ce t hat is add ed between the EAN 13 ba r code and th e
Add-on code/Addenda. When thi s par ameter is se t to on
, the scanner does not
accept th e ma in b ar c ode wit hout an addendum.
Refer to “Pr ef ix/ Suffix” be ginni ng on p age 144. UPC A Settings
Set th is p aram et er to on to enabl e “UPC A” bar code scanning rec ognit ion .
Check Digit
If you enabl e t his parameter, a check digit is i ncluded with th e de coded bar
code data.