WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual B-7
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
Tools Menu
• Tap on the OK button.
While aut omati c c onnect ion mode is enabled, the Connect Data button in t he mai n
Wireless LAN dialog box chang es t o Disable Auto. To clo se t he cur re n tl y act ive
connection (if any ) and disable the auto mat ic conne cti on mode:
• Tap on Disable Auto.
Important: Automatic connection mode should not be used if applications
other than the Wireless WAN user interface (e.g. Connection
Manager) are expected to open and close connections.
If the automatic connection mode is enabled and another applica-
tion closes the GPRS connection, the WWAN user interface will
immediately try to re-establish the connection.
Use Virtual Serial Port
If Use virtual serial port is e nabled, pa cket data con nections ar e establis hed through
the virt ual seri al port of the WWAN driver ra ther than throug h the WWAN driver
directl y. This chec kbox should only be che cked i f c ert ain third-par ty VPN (Virtual
Private Net work) cl ients are us ed th at d o not wor k cor re ctl y otherwise. The default
setting i s disabled (unchec ked) .
Notes: The connection setup takes longer through the virtual serial port.
Enable Automatic Configuration
In most case s, the data connection is configured automatically and no user inter-
action is required. Th is i s t rue e ven if multiple SIM c ards fr om d ifferent operat ors
are used wit h the same devic e. The c onnec ti on par amete rs are adjus ted auto ma ti-
cally when a new SI M c ard is detected ( thi s may r equi re a warm boot) . The connec-
tion para meter s ar e retrieve d fr om a dat abas e.
Manual con fig uration shoul d be n ecessary onl y if :
• One or more para meter s i n the database are incorr ect or a new oper ato r i s
not yet in t he database. (The database shoul d be c orr ect ed for subseque nt
softwa re r ele ase s.)
• An operat or h as as si gned i ndiv idua l GPRS user names and pa sswor ds.
• A very large sit e has thei r own APN. Suc h conne cti ons always have to be
configure d manual ly.