WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 221
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Single Battery Charger–Model #WA3001-G1
The cigare tte l ighter adaptor allows you to po wer y our hand- held and re char ge your
battery u sing power drawn from your vehi cl e’s cigaret te li ghter outlet.
Figure 6.4 Cigarette Lighter Adaptor
• Unscrew the adaptor end -ca p, and r emove t he f use i nsi de the adaptor.
• Replace it with the f use provi ded with your ki t, a nd sc rew the adaptor end-
cap back int o pos ition.
• Insert t he DC power plug into the DC IN socke t at th e base of the WORK-
• Insert the cigar ett e l ight er adaptor p lug i nto cigaret te li ghter outlet in your
6.8 Single Battery Charger–Model #WA3001-G1
The single battery charger i s des igne d to charge a si ngle bat ter y. It has a DC IN
socket and is equip ped with one LED that indicat es the st atus of th e char ge proce ss.
DC Power Plug
Cigarette Lighter
Adaptor Plug
Adaptor End-Cap