WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 235
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Operating Two Dimensional (2D) Imagers
6.12.5 Operating Two Dimensional (2D) Imagers
An imager t akes a snap s hot of a s ingle bar cod e or mul tiple bar co des (at on e time).
It can find a bar code r egardless of its o rientati on—that is , even a bar code p rinted at
a 45 degree a ngle to the ha nd-he ld wi ll be dec oded s uccessfully.
Note: When scanning multiple bar codes, ensure that all of the desired bar
codes are within the field of view of the scanner. It is possible that even
when all bar codes are within the field of view, not all of them will be
decoded. Only successfully decoded bar codes are passed to the applica-
tion program. The application program then issues a warning, asking that
you scan the missing bar codes.
When scanning a single bar code, ensure that only the desired bar code is
within the field of view of the scanner.
Because imager s ge nerally have a shor te r dep th of fi eld than las er s canners, some
practis e may be r equi red to find the optimal di sta nce f rom t he types of bar code s
being sca nned. Although the imag er include s i ll uminat ion LEDs, a mb ient l ight will
help the i mager de code the ba r codes, e spec ially if t he bar code is far f rom the han d-
Important: Keep in mind that the imager scanner is a camera, and the LED
illumination is a flash. Glare can be an issue on reflective media
such as plastic coated bar codes, just as glare is an issue for photog-
raphers. When pointing at a shiny surface, either shift the bar code
to the side or top, or angle the bar code so that the glare reflects
away from the imager scanner.
Most imagers take several ‘snap shots’ of the bar code in order to
decode it. It is normal for the LEDs to flash two or three times. Hold
the unit steady between flashes to improve decode performance.
• Turn t he han d-held computer on. Wait until the unit has boote d
up completely .
• Aim at th e bar code and pr ess the scan key or the tri gger. Hold the t ri gger
until a su ccessful or fai le d sca n result is obta ined .
• When the sc an but ton or t ri gger is pressed, a red, oval shape d li ght ( the
framing marker) is displayed. Centr e the framing marker in t he f iel d—
either i n the centre of the bar code you want to scan or i n the cent re of t he
area in whi ch mult ipl e bar code s ar e to be scanned .