
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
138 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Laser On Time
The value assigned to thi s parameter de termines how long the las er wi ll remain on
when the scan butt on or tri gger is pressed .Do uble -ta ppin g on t his p ara me ter
displays a dia log b ox in whi ch you can ente r a va lue betwe en
5 and 99, each
number representing
0.1 seconds. Decoded (Internal) Advanced Options
Continuous Scan Mode
Setting t his parameter to ‘ on’ keeps the laser o n and c onti nuously decodi ng as long
as the sca nner button is pressed and held do wn.
Minimum Cancel Time
The value assigned to this parameter determines the time delay before the scanner is
turned off, once t he scanner t rig ger o r but ton is rele ase d . This give s the scanner a
minimum amount of time to complet e its current de code before th e scan is cancell ed
when the user quickly trigger s on/ off.
Low Power Timeout
To extend laser life , you ca n sel ect the time the scanner remain s act ive following a
successfu l de code. The scanner wakes f rom l ow power mode when a ba r code is
scanned—a s ucce ssf ul decode res tor es nor mal bl inking.
This is onl y use d if the unit’s T ri gger Mode has been changed to Cont inu ous On. I f
the unit i s us ed in a fixed mount th is p aramet er might be used, but not if t he uni t i s
used as a han d-held.
When you double- tap on thi s par amet er, a dialog box is di spl ayed in which you ca n
choose a val ue of 30 sec., 1 min., 2 min. or 3 min.
Parameter Scanning
Setting t h is para me ter to ON enables dec oding of pa rameter bar co des.
Linear Security Level
This paramet er a ll ows you t o select th e sec uri ty l evel appropriate f or your bar code
quality. There are four levels of decode se curity for l inear code types (e.g., Code 39,
Interle aved 2 of 5). Higher security leve ls should be selected for d ecreasing levels o f
bar code qual it y. As secur ity levels incr eas e, the scanner’s dec ode speed decr ease s.