Appendix C: Summit Client Utility (SCU) For Model RA2041
Global Settings Tab
C-8 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Preamble Type of radio preamble or head-
Auto, Short, Long Auto
Ping Payload Amount of data to be transmitted
on a ping.
Bytes: 32, 6 4, 128,
256, 512 & 1024
Ping Ti meout ms Amount of time in milli seconds
that passes without a response
before ping request is consid-
ered a f ailu r e.
Integer from 0 to
Ping Delay ms Amount of time in milli seconds
between successive ping
Integer from 0 to
Roam Delta Amount by which second A P’s
RSSI must exceed the moving
averag e RSS I f o r the c u r r ent A P
before the radio will attempt to
roam to a second AP.
dBm: 5, 10, 15, 20 ,
25, 30, 35
Roam Period Following an association or roam
scan (with no roam), the number
of seconds the radio
collects RSSI scan data before
considering roaming.
Seconds: 5, 10, 1 5,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
45, 50, 55, 60
Roam Trigger If RSSI fro m AP is less than
roam trigger value, radio per-
forms roam scan or probes for an
AP with stronger signal.
dBm: -50, -55, -60 ,
-65, -70, -75
RTS Thresh Packet size above which
RT S/ CTS is requi red on li nk.
An integer from 0 to
RX Diversity De fines h ow to han dle antenna
diversity when receiving data
from AP.
-On-Start on Main:
On startup, use m ain
-On-St art on Aux:
On startup, use auxil-
iary antenna.
-Main only: Use
main antenna only.
-Aux only: Use aux-
iliary antenna only.
On-Sta rt on
Global Setting Description Value Default