
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
146 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
UPC-A, Preamble
When you double-t ap on this parameter, a dialog box is di spl ayed whe re y ou can
choose o ne of three options for lead-in char acters for UPC-A symbols transmitted to
the host device:
System Char – system character transmitted with the data,
Country Code and System Char – both t he count ry code ( “0” f or USA) and syst em
chara cte r ar e tr ansmitted with th e dat a, or
None – no preamble is trans mitted. The lead -in charac ters are con side red par t of the
See “Prefi x/Suffix” beginning on page 144. UPC E
Enabled UPC-E
Set th is p aram et er to ON t o all ow “UPC E” ba r code scans.
Enabled UPC-E1
Set th is p aram et er to ON to allow “UPC-E1” (zer o suppressed) bar code scans.
UPC-E And UPC-E1 Check Digit
If you enabl e one or bo th of these pa ramet ers , a che ck di git is inc lude d with the
decoded bar code data.
UPC-E And UPC-E1 Preamble
When you double-t ap on one of these pa ramet ers , a di alo g box i s di spla yed where
you can choose one of three o pti ons f or l ead- in c hara cte rs for UPC-E and UPC-E1
symbols t ra nsm it ted to the host de vice :
System Char – system character transmitted with the data,
Country code and System Char – bot h th e coun try code (“0” for USA) and s yste m
chara cte r ar e tr ansmitted with th e dat a, or
None – no prea mble i s transmitt ed. The l ead -in characters are cons ider ed pa rt of
the symbol.