Chapter 5: Configuration
Keyboard Properties
94 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
There are t hre e di fferent tabl es of scancod e mappi ngs: the Normal table, t he Bl ue
table and t he Or ange t abl e. The Nor m al t abl e def ine s unmodi fi ed key pres ses; the
Blue tabl e def ine s key pres ses that occur whe n the [FN/BLUE] modi fi er i s on; th e
Orange table de fin es ke y pre sses that oc cur whe n the [FN/ORANGE] modif ie r is
on. The defaul t mappi ngs of these scancodes can be over writ te n for eac h of these
three tables usi ng th e Scancode Remapping tab ac cess ed f rom the Keyboard
Properties dialog box.
The first column in the Scancode Remapping tab di spl ays the s cancodes in
hexadecimal . If the scanc ode i s re mapped t o a vi rtual key, that vir tual key is
displayed in t he next column la bel led ‘ V-Key’. A virtual k ey t hat i s ‘ Shif ted ’ or
‘Unshi fte d’ i s di spl ayed i n the third column labe lled ‘Functi on’ .
If the sc ancod e is remapped to a fun cti on or a macr o, the fi rst and second col umns
remain blan k wh il e the thi rd c olumn c ontains the funct ion name or macro key
number (e.g., Macro 2).
Adding A Remap
To add a new rema pping :
• Choose t he Add but ton a t t he bot tom of the dialog box.