Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
The Vehicle Cradle
228 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
6.11 The Vehicle Cradle
The vehicle cra dle is a highl y r uggedi zed, single s tat ion dock. Al though it prov ides
quick inse rti on and removal, t he cr adl e hol ds t he WORKABOUT PRO securely
even when operated in high vibratio n envi ronmen ts.
Note: Shock and vibration specifications for the WORKABOUT PRO are veri-
fied using Psion Teklogix-approved RAM mounts and mounting hardware.
Use of non-certified Psion Teklogix mounting hardware is not recom-
mended, and may void warranty coverage.
The model nu mber f or vehicle cr adl es v ari es de pendi ng on t he type of hand -hel d:
• WORKABOUT PRO C – Model # WA1210-G2
• WORKABOUT PRO S – Model # WA1310-G2
A port repli cator opt ion is avai lable f or powered vehi cle cra dles . Refer to “The Port
Replicator” on page 232 for det ail s.
6.11.1 Vehicle Cradle Mounting Recommendations
Warning: Before mounting a vehicle cradle in a vehicle, there are a number
of operator safety issues that require careful attention. An improp-
erly mounted cradle may result in one or more of the following:
operator injury, operator visibility obstruction, operator distraction
and/or poor ease of egress for the operator. Psion Teklogix strongly
recommends that you seek professional mounting advice from the
vehicle manufacturer.
Cable routing within a vehicle cab also requires careful consider-
ation, especially for separately tethered scanners and other devices
with loose cables. If you are unable to obtain suitable advice,
contact Psion Teklogix for assistance (see Appendix A: Support Ser-
vices And Worldwide Offices). Note also that for better protection,
the equipment should be mounted inside the vehicle roll cage.
Pedestal moun ts are recommended for all fixed mount lo cat ions beca use t hey of fer
optimal oper at or access. In a ddit io n, for safety rea sons, only pedes tal mounts with
fully loc king joints shoul d be u sed i n vehi cl es. Al ways adj ust the pede sta l f or t he
optimum viewing a ngle, and secur ely ti ghte n the hex and wing s cre ws.
The most effective way to mount the vehicle cradle is to use the four #8-32 threaded inserts
on the rear of the unit. Bolts must not extend more than 10mm (3/8") into the cradle.